New semester, but same goal: just pass all my classes and hopefully graduate with a job ready. But aside from all that, and having failed 2 classes last Fall (which I'll get into later). I haven't found a boyfriend. I have my big bro, who I'm very thankful that he came into my life (we haven't met up yet this semester). But he's really the only guy I'm seeing right now, and really, one is plenty (or so said Frosty the Snowman in "Frosty Returns").
I'm starting to heed my mom's advice. She really meant it when I shouldn't be dating while I'm in college. But really, that's bullshit. I haven't really met with guys much last semester, and that alone wasn't the reason why I failed miserably. Btw, I failed Thermodynamics and Solid Mechanics (or Mechanics of Materials). They're not hard classes, just intimidating. I failed because I procrastinated. I feel procrastination is the root of a lot of problems. The longer you procrastinate, the worse it gets and the more problems you get the longer you do.
Ever since I've started college, I really have felt lonely. But it's my own fault for never getting out much. I have friends, but I still feel lonely, if any of you get what I mean. Clearly, I'm longing for love or some form of relationship. I've been trying to find a guy my age, but so far, no luck. It's probably because I talk too much like this, and I probably seem needy because of it. I could care less if I don't find a true lover my age. I've alone for so long, I'm kinda used to the feeling. Sometimes I even enjoy feeling the pain of loneliness. I'm starting to get the feeling that my "closeted" status may be indirectly affecting me to feel this way... probably is.
College is hard. It's even harder if you feel you have to do everything on your own like I do. I hardly ask for help because I feel I should do everything on my own. And I wouldn't dare ask for help if I didn't do the homework or reading yet (which is usually most of the time). Usually, I do things at the last minute, or later. I felt that if I was a slacker, then I had no right to ask for help, which was really a terrible reason. It doesn't help either that I have an "inferiority complex". I'm secretly envious of the students around me who I feel do better than me, because I start saying to myself: "If they can do it, then why can't I?" I think I'll always have this feeling of inferiority, but I'll always have to work with people at some points in my life.
I've considered to see a counselor soon. I've kept in my true feelings for far too long, I think I just want someone in person to listen to me. I've just been avoiding such help because I'm afraid of being diagnosed as "crazy" or something like that. Or really, I just feel that matters of the mind should be solved independently. I do believe that only I can control my feelings. I see counselors and psychologists as mere placebos who are paid by feeding off of other people's insecurities, like a drug. That may very well be true, but surely, there is some validity to their existence and function.
I heard about the whole "Zodiac sign change". Technically, I'm an Aries based on my birthday. But now, I should be a Pieces. Pieces are known to be lost in their own worlds. They like to live in fantasy because it's more manageable than reality. Probably the complete opposite of an Aries. Aries are stubborn, strong-willed, and live in the moment. I think Pieces desires to be an Aries, I know I do. Maybe I truly am an Aries, and I'm just not giving myself a change to acknowledge that. Pieces are also known to get very depressed when things become hopeless; they need someone to help them up. Pieces, however, are very empathetic and like to listen to the problems of others. But the backlash of this is that Pieces can be so absorbed into other people's problems that they lose sight of themselves. Pieces are known to be artists, writers, and musicians. I feel stuck between being a Pieces and an Aries. If I could leave this world and go to a fantasy world where it's just the way I feel the world should be, I would. Strangely, I chose to do engineering. I chose engineering because I feel it is the bridge between fantasy and reality. Innovative ideas can become reality if you're persistent and lucky enough. I really don't know what I want to do as an engineer though. The only way I know how to live life is to be like "The Wind". I'm too laid-back to think far ahead into the future. I hope I can just live a life where I can just go with the flow. It's my goal in life to be able to adapt to any situation, for I feel that's the best way to be happy in life: "To be happy with anything." Because you really shouldn't need a reason to be happy. Existing should be a good enough reason, maybe the only reason.
No guy wants to be with a guy who's indecisive and lacking in confidence about himself. I don't have a dynamic personality either... Yet secretly, I enjoy this feeling of loneliness, I really do. Because it makes me more aware of myself. Sometimes I pretend that I'm actually two instead of one: There's me, and then there's my subconscious self. Despite acting a little schizophrenic, I'm aware of how unreal it all is. I've never really had a close friend (in person), nor can I think up an imaginary friend, too much work. So I'm fine just pretending to be friends with myself. The closest friend I have right now is "protoman_45". I dare not say his name because he's not out either. We both love bara, and we listen to each other's problems and understand each other's emotions. I hope to meet him in person one day. But other than that, I'm still waiting for my other, my "symbiote". Although, I might have already met him (my big bro), but we'll see where it goes.
I hardly post pics on here, but I've decided to since it'll relate to how I feel at the moment. I hope they don't get me for copyright infringement. I'll try to give credit if I know the source.
Artist: ~No-Restraints on DeviantArt
Artist: Most likely from someone on pixiv
Source: Unknown
Artist: *Paradox-OS on DeviantArt
I'm trying to be more structured now. I use my planner more than I ever have before. Anything that comes to mind that I know needs to get done, I write it down so I don't forget. I've even made printouts of my schedule, Professor and TA office hours, and important goals I have for this semester, to put up on my bedroom wall so I'm always reminded of them. Hell, I'm gonna try posting on here regularly (at least weekly), if I can. I'm too scared to be almost as honest like this on Facebook anyways. lol
Shirtless Wally West in a Loin-Cloth
A loin-clothed Wally West trapped in pre-historic time in The Flash #768.
3 months ago