Not sure who's going to read this, but it seems that Blogger isn't widely used anymore for porn, let alone gay-oriented blogs. "The Bara Journal" was a blog I made to put my thoughts out there about what I was going through living in the closet all throughout college, and it helped, a lot. Especially with the few responses I got from the few guys who've followed me. My reason for leaving this blog is because I want to make a new one to my main gmail account. I made this before Blogger was bought out by Google, but the gmail I made for this, I never use... Oh hell, I guess I can keep updating it, idk.
And from the looks of it, only a few people I've followed still update their Blogger accounts. Thinking of making the same posts on Tumblr honestly, or other sites and keep them all unified.
And it's weird. I've gotten to a point in my life where I want to be more open about my sexuality, and it's a long story that I'll have to talk about another time. And there might be a few posts on here that I've made that are a bit too personal that I don't want the general public to tie to me in real life, such as revealing guys I've been with and things I may have done sexually.
What do you think I should do?
Shirtless Wally West in a Loin-Cloth
A loin-clothed Wally West trapped in pre-historic time in The Flash #768.
2 months ago