Saturday, February 4, 2017

A New Home

I never post on here anymore, it's become forgotten. But now I've decided to make this my new home. Today I decided to try something new: I unfollowed all my friends on Facebook. I'm a rather strange individual. I'm very narcissistic, but at the same time very aware. My problem is I get very passionate and opinionated.

The past year has strained relationships for everyone. This past election has only divided everyone further because of how fast news and memes can get posted on the Internet. It's become a cesspool of shit posting and people staying within their echo chambers.

I came to the realization months ago that I'm quite the conservative, but not to the extreme. I hate how politically correct everyone is forced to be these days and I hate the self-righteous shutdowns extremist liberals use to shutdown people with dissenting opinions and then instantly doing all they can to ruin their relationships, their careers, and their reputation. The right/conservatives use the same tactics too, but not to the dangerous extremes the left has been doing as of late.

I think these days, it's just best to keep opinions to yourself or to just share them anonymously on the Internet. I like being challenged, I like seeing people's thoughts and opinions, but everyone has become so intolerant these days and few are so quick to share every single damn political article and meme that fits their narrative. I'm guilty of it too, but I usually try to qualify it and I never fully endorse something, because I don't know all the facts.

I've always felt alone most of my life. It's gotten better now though. My family disowned me, made me leave with nothing, I lost friends who helped me out of that situation because I learned they were exactly like my family, I made new friends and got closer with some I already had, I live with my boyfriend now, and I have a full-time job as an engineer. I'm pretty happy as of late. And I noticed a lot of my friends hardly post on Facebook anyways. They're busy with their own lives and probably enjoying it more than way too.

My boyfriend hates how petty I get, but it's my way of venting. I never get back at people, more like I walk the other direction and choose to be forgotten while I seethe in my anger. I forget it over time though, especially when I see less of a person who pisses me off.

So here's to new stomping grounds. I could care less who follows/unfollows me at this point. I just want a place to speak my mind and not care about anyone's feelings anymore. It's work I don't like being forced to do, and usually I'm very careful about that, but I'm just tired of dealing with people who are more close-minded than I am and don't want to listen and make a conversation mutual.

So I guess I'll just stick to spending time with my boyfriend, working, going to the gym, get my cosplay hobby started, play games online, watch anime... just be me.

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